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2012 Housing Europe Review

Key social housing data for all 27 European countries and analysis of current social housing trends in Europe. CECODHAS Housing Europe.

The CECODHAS Housing Europe Observatory has carried out a second review of the social, co-operative and public housing sectors in the 27 EU member states, the first one having been completed in 2007. This detailed report presents an overview of the main trends and issues facing the social, co-operative and public housing sectors in each country, as well as providing national profiles and key housing-related data. The study draws on data provided by the network of CECODHAS correspondents, as well as from external national experts.This report provides reliable and up-to-date data on the socially provided housing sector in Europe. For each country, there is a brief overview setting out the following information:

·         What is social housing?
·         Who provides social housing?
·         How is social housing financed?
·         Who can access social housing?
·         Recent developments in social housing provision

In addition, for each country, there is a statistical information section that includes the following data:

·         Stock details
·         Housing affordability information
·         Costs of construction
·         Housing quality information
·         State involvement
·         Key demographic and employment data
·         Key indicators on immigration, poverty and social exclusion

A copy of the report is also available in French from the CECODHAS Housing Europe Observatory.

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