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Out in the Open

The provision of adequate and appropriate sites for Gypsies and Travellers lies at the heart of resolving inequalities of access to health, education and employment. It helps to avoid tensions with local communities and is key to tackling racism and discrimination. This consultation identifies ways in which more sites can be provided, better relationships with the settled community established and the rights of Gypsies and Travellers be better recognised.

In 2006, 21 per cent of Gypsies and Travellers had no legal place to park their caravan and were thus considered to be homeless yet it would take less than one square mile of land in England to provide pitches to accommodate all of the Gypsies and Travellers who are currently homeless. This is an achievable target.

Executive Summary Available

Recommendations in the report are directed to those with particular interest in implementing the suggested action. An executive summary with recommendations for local authorities is available for downloading in the related documents section below.

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Executive Summary for Local Authorities

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